1. Navigate to the desired local directory in the Command Prompt program (Windows) or Terminal (Linux)
  2. Type ftp -i hostname
  3. Type your username and password (password is invisible)
  4. Type type (See if it's ascii [pages] or binary [images, sounds, etc.])
  5. Type cd desiredDirectory (Get to where you want to upload or download)
  6. Type pwd(Confirm where you're at)
  7. Type ls (Get a directory listing)
  8. To get a directory listing of the local directory, type !dir (Windows) or !ls (Linux). The ! lets you bypass the FTP environment to issue commands to the operating system
  9. Upload an image or sound?
    1. Type bin
    2. Type put filename
  10. Upload a page?
    1. Type asc
    2. Type put filename
  11. Download an image or sound?
    1. Type bin
    2. Type get filename
  12. Download a page?
    1. Type asc
    2. Type get filename
  13. Batch upload? Type mput *.htm
  14. Batch download? Type mget *.htm
  15. See other options? Type help
  16. Terminate a session? Type bye

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